All Seasons are Skating Seasons!
Our Fall learn-to-skate session typically runs from early September until Thanksgiving. Our Winter session is from late November or early December through February vacation. During both of those sessions, we run lessons both on Thursday evenings (all levels on the same hour) and Saturday mornings (four hour-long sessions broken out by skill levels).

We love to plan fun activities for our skaters throughout the session! We have costume days around Halloween, bring-a-friend day, pajama day, and more! The last Saturday lesson in December features holiday programs performed by our advanced skaters, as well as lots of treats and a fun raffle!
During the final weeks of each session, our coaches evaluate every skater to determine what level they will be in for the next session. Please know that every child makes progress at their own pace! Sometimes they may stay in the same level for a couple of seasons while they master a particularly challenging skill, and others they may jump ahead two or three levels in one session! There is no pressure to go at any particular rate.

Every year, we host our Ice Show in early April. It is a wonderful time for skaters of all levels (even our young Snowplow skaters are welcome to join!). The winter learn-to-skate session ends around mid- to late-February, and then lessons take a break while we practice for the show. Practices are typically once per week for the month of March, and we do try to keep them as close as possible to their previous lesson times to minimize disruption of everyone’s schedules.
After the Ice Show, we resume Learn-to-Skate with a shorter Spring session. The schedule and structure is similar to the other sessions, though some levels and groupings are shifted or condensed due to lower enrollment as the weather gets warmer.
We do not offer group lessons over the summer.